From Our Principal

Role Models of Resilience, Integrity, Gratitude and Discernment

Wednesday, 27 September 2023
There is no relationship quite like the one between grandparents and grandchildren. Without the pressures of parenthood, but with the wisdom and experience that come with age, grandparents can be devoted role models and nurturers, enthusiastic playmates and patient providers of knowledge, values and reassurance.
John Robinson

John Robinson


Their role-modelling of resilience strategies, integrity, gratitude and discernment is not to be underestimated. Similarly, cousins, neighbours and other special friends can fulfil this role.

The role of parents is also becoming more and more challenging, juggling demands at work, home, managing children, community expectations and even our own health concerns. Grandparents are so often our saviours here too!

The Investigator College Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day was yet another highlight of our Term 3 calendar, and last week we were blessed to host unprecedented numbers of supportive and grateful visitors. In my quest to get to know every grandparent, I was fortunate in having conversations with grandparents who had travelled from Adelaide, Aldgate, Kadina, Corny Point and Hindmarsh Island, and a myriad of towns and country regions in-between. Our visitors were all present because they are important in the lives of our students and each one of these fine citizens contributes to our very special Investigator College community.

Congratulations and thank you to all students, staff and extended families who made this event so memorable.

Wishing you all a safe and restful term break before Term 4 resumes with vigour on Monday, 16 October.

John Robinson

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