Dear families,
Exciting news – Investigator College is nearly ready to reopen its canteen!
Meet the canteen manager
New canteen manager Kylie Zarins has qualifications in commercial cooking and brings experience from various Fleurieu eateries. A local since the early 2000s, Kylie volunteered in the old canteen for years and her daughter Sascha graduated last year.
Kylie is busy creating a nutritious, diverse menu that appeals to students.
More volunteers needed
Kylie says she loved volunteering as a mum – “It was rewarding to contribute to the school community and children just love having their parents and grandparents around.”
As the new canteen prepares to open in the last few weeks of Term 4, the College is seeking additional volunteers to ensure a successful launch. Shifts will run from approximately 8:30am to 1:30pm, Monday to Friday. If you are yet to express interest, click here to share your details. Kylie will be in touch.
Canteen naming competition
To celebrate the reopening, we’re running a naming competition. We would love your suggestions – what should the new canteen be called?
Students will be sent home with a form they can fill in with their family and bring back to home group. We will use these suggestions to make a shortlist of names.
If you prefer to make a suggestion digitally, you can also suggest a name at this link.
May the best name win!