Parent Resources
Private Instrumental Tutors
Investigator College provides students with the opportunity to learn a range of instruments. Lessons, which are provided during school time with a private tutor, range in price from approx. $30-$35 per lesson.
Additional Information
Lessons for other instruments (not listed below) may also be available; in such cases, staff will endeavour to assist by finding a suitable tutor.
Please note that the private tutors, while being endorsed by the College, are not employees of the College and the agreement for tuition is made between the tutor and parents/caregivers. As such, students and parents/caregivers are responsible for matters regarding payment and attendance.
Private Instrumental Tutor Contacts
If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument, we ask that you contact the relevant private instrumental tutor directly. Please see tutor contact information below.
An updated list of tutors will be made available by the start of term (28 January 2025). Please return to this page next week for tutor details.