- We have staff supervising entry and exit points in the carpark (and bus area) and the carpark is not on a main road.
- We offer quality Before School Care from 6:45am and teachers are on duty in the yard before 8:30am. The yard is not open until this time.
- Teachers remain on carpark duty until 3:50pm each afternoon. After School Care operates until 6:30pm.
- All Investigator staff members complete Senior First Aid training regularly, with annual CPR updates, and are on a register to ensure that this happens.
- We review the configuration of our yard duty areas each year to ensure that no problems can go undetected. Staff wear coloured vests so they are clearly visible to students.
- Play equipment in each of our playgrounds is age-appropriate and regularly checked by our maintenance staff.
- We practise and review our lock-down and emergency evacuation procedures regularly.
- All students and duty teachers wear hats at playtimes during Terms 1 and 4, or when the UV rating is 3 or above at other times, in accordance with SunSmart guidelines.
- All volunteers sign a Volunteer Agreement that includes a commitment to undergo a Working with Children Check and online Responding to Risks of Harm Abuse & Neglect Training for Volunteers. For further information, please contact HR Manager Dan McCartney or go to our website. More volunteers are always welcome!
- A thorough risk assessment is completed for all camps, excursions and special events and activities, and appropriate staff/student ratios are observed. A teacher with Senior First Aid training attends every camp and excursion.
- All adult visitors must report to the front office to sign in and out and must wear a visitor’s badge for easy identification.
- Staff supervisors are present at interschool sports events.
- The roll is taken by the class teacher every morning in the Junior School and every lesson in the Secondary School. Absentees who haven’t been reported by parents are followed up by administration.
- Through our Positive Education programs, all students are provided with positive friendship skills training, including conflict resolution and resilience training.
- Investigator students are taught how to recognise bullying and how to respond appropriately.
- We have two student counsellors to support students as required.
- Our R – 12 Home Group system means that each student has an ongoing relationship with the same home group teacher all year, and they serve as an effective point of contact for families. Having separate classrooms assists here, too.
This comprehensive list of measures ensures each Investigator student has the opportunity to learn within a safe, caring and supportive community.