Confident but not arrogant
We encourage our students to believe in their strengths and abilities, and, importantly, to believe in those of others too. We want our students to value the company of others, to spot their strengths, have empathy and to respect each other’s differences.
Striving to achieve our personal best in all pursuits
Our culture is one of personal best achievements where the sky really is the limit. Whilst we strive for excellence, we also delight in the achievements of others. Our staff members are role models of this, setting themselves goals and performing among the nation’s finest.
Excellent manners
We believe in the importance of treating others well and showing respect through lovely manners. Life will be much more pleasant for us in return, as other people enjoy the company of those with good manners.
We discussed the importance of not letting let harsh words from others, or less than pleasant experiences, throw us off course and prevent us from achieving our dreams in life. We view these as set-backs, not permanent, so we can move ahead. Exhibiting growth mindsets, in keeping with the character strength of hope and optimism, we acknowledge that we can improve our outcomes through effort and practice.
Can work independently and in groups
Successful people understand the ‘rules’ of effective team-play and collaboration, but can also work well on their own. Social intelligence and ‘tuning in’ to the feelings of others assists here.
Respect, understanding and acceptance of other gender and cultural groups
Among numerous other benefits, a diversity of cultures and beliefs helps us gain a healthy perspective. We frequently discuss the benefits of having a global outlook and being ready to embrace the challenges of being citizens of the world (not just the Fleurieu). As an Anglican College, spirituality is encouraged but not forced and we focus on what is known as the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In other words, be nice to each other!
Pride in his or her school and achievements
Investigator students are fortunate in being given the opportunity to attend a good school, and they are poised to accumulate a myriad of wonderful childhood and teenage memories which can be drawn upon during challenging times throughout their lives. It is important to live and savour the moment as well.
Concern and respect for the environment and animals
Few would argue when I say that we are blessed with a beautiful environment at Investigator College. Spacious grounds with multiple play areas, animal pens and a view of The Bluff, our students appreciate their surrounds. Also, as Ghandi once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.” Investigator students exhibit an ethic of care towards all living things, and I have been delighted to see the interest taken in our lambs, chickens, calves, fish, kangaroos, visiting dogs and all animals that Investigator students experience through exceptional agriculture and sustainability programs.
We want our students to acknowledge that they are good people, to experience good and ethical lives, and to be proud of whom they are. Each of us is unique and this is to be celebrated. Our students are striving to be the best possible version of themselves.
It is anticipated that all Investigator students will continue beyond their secondary schooling with skills and attitudes to enable them to evidence a high degree of self-control, discernment and responsible decision-making throughout their lives. This extends to the use of social media also.
These attitudes and values are developed in partnership with you, so thank you for supporting your child and staff in their efforts.
Men of Honour- let’s step up.
Wishing all Dads a wonderful Father’s Day on Sunday. With media exposure of some role models of dubious quality, the time is ripe for us (and other significant males in the lives of our children) to step up and be good men. We need to be highly principled, kind, loving yet firm when we need to be and role models of resilience – men of honour. The importance of showing a genuine interest in the lives of our children cannot be underestimated – and they will remember this always.
Keep up the great work.