Media Releases

Students shine in Investigator’s 2024 Musical

Tuesday, 2 July 2024
More than 40 students from Investigator College took to the stage during the annual school musical over the weekend. The skilled young musicians and actors had been practising weekly since the start of the year and had their chance to star during three performances in Victor Harbor across Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June.

Sam Richards

Marketing & Communications Manager

More than 40 students from Investigator College took to the stage during the annual school musical over the weekend.

The skilled young musicians and actors had been practising weekly since the start of the year and had their chance to star during three performances across Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June.

Following last year’s performance of High School Musical 2, this year’s cast returned to the classics with a retelling of the time-honoured Brothers Grimm Fables.

The production, called ‘Into the Woods JR’, included recognisable fairytale characters such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and the Witch.

Overlapping storylines gave many students a chance to take the lead, but the production loosely centred on the Baker and the Baker’s Wife, who set off on an odyssey to lift a witch’s curse.

“I’m incredibly proud of everyone involved in this year’s musical,” Principal John Robinson says.

“The performances were a testament to the creative talents of our students, but also to the dedication and enthusiasm that they have brought to rehearsals.

“The musical is an embodiment of our values here at the College, in particular creativity, community and excellence. It’s the crown in the jewel of our drama and music programs.”

These programs aim to nurture students’ talents and passion for the performing arts from a young age, foster a vibrant arts culture within the school community, and provide students with the tools and opportunities to express themselves creatively.

Students are introduced to the world of drama in Year 7, fostering an early appreciation and skill set that can be further developed through their educational journey. By Year 9, drama becomes a subject selection, allowing students to delve deeper into theatrical arts.

Bookings for the musical were available to all community members, not just parents and students, and all three performances attracted a crowd.

“It was lovely to see so many community members showing their support and turning out to enjoy the production,” John Robinson said.

Funds raised at the musical will be reinvested into future performances.

Attention now turns to next year’s musical and the decision about what the College’s talented students will perform in 2025.

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© Investigator College, 2023

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Sam Richards
Marketing & Communications Manager

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