Media Releases

Elsa in Australia’s top 1% for English

Friday, 24 November 2023
Investigator College Year 9 student, Elsa Carney, has been awarded Australia’s top honor, after being awarded a medal in the annual International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English exam for 2023.
Liam Hensel

Liam Hensel

Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

The medal, which is only awarded to students in the top 1% of participants nationwide, represents a significant individual achievement which reflects Elsa’s diligence and dedication to her studies.

Notified of her success earlier this week, Elsa attributes her aptitude in English to a genuine enjoyment of reading, and to drawing inspiration from her favourite authors in her own writing

“I love to read books by authors who can create detailed worlds and craft amazing characters; the way they can bring a story to life in my imagination. These are also the stories that I like to write the most – fantasy and dystopian fiction, where what I can write about is almost unlimited.”

With her love of reading and writing being evident, Elsa and her parents chose to have her sit the ICAS English exam this year, but were genuinely surprised at the magnitude of her achievement, and are exceptionally proud. This sentiment is echoed by Investigator College Principal, Mr John Robinson:

“Investigator has a strong focus on literacy and in fostering a love of learning, and I am delighted and proud to see Elsa recognised as the state’s number one.”

While her current career aspirations are more aligned to mathematics and science, with eyes on a future in aerospace engineering, Elsa credits reading and writing as the key to her studies.

“I think as you get older, and you ‘have’ to read more, it becomes more difficult to read simply for fun and enjoyment, but it is important to continue to read the books you love! Reading teaches you so much about the English language – vocabulary, spelling, grammar – and it is important to challenge yourself to keep reading, and keep learning. My initial interest in engineering and rocketry came from reading the ‘Aurora Rising’ series [by Australian author Amie Kaufman], and now it is something I’m looking into as a future career.”

Elsa also says that her parents have played a significant role in continuing to encourage her reading and writing:

“I didn’t always love reading, but my Dad was very patient and persistent in encouraging me. Once I found the types of books and genres that captured my imagination, I really began to enjoy reading, and everything went from there. I’m thankful for my parents and their encouragement – they’re really supportive.”

Elsa will officially receive her ICAS Medal at Investigator College’s annual Speech and Awards Ceremony on Friday 8 December.

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All articles, updates, media releases and event information remain the intellectual property of Investigator College and its authors, unless otherwise stated and may only be reproduced with permission.
© Investigator College, 2023
Liam Hensel
Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

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