Junior School News

Junior School: Wellbeing Update – Term 1, 2023

Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Student Wellbeing continues to be a focus across our Junior School, with many successful Wellbeing and Positive Education activities taking place throughout the first term of the 2023 school year - and plenty more on the calendar for Term 2!
Mark Tenny

Mark Tenny

Junior School Wellbeing Coordinator

A Positive Start To The Year

We are delighted to report that Term 1 was an excellent start to our Junior School year.

The students’ wellbeing and the opportunities to experience different activities and friendships were outstanding. The House Meetings were particularly successful, where the focus was on fun, friendships, Sports Day, and our House Sports Competition in the final week of Term 1, which was a lot of fun.

In Term 2, we will continue to reinforce the skills learned through our friendship program and reintroduce Zones of Regulations to support students with their emotional regulation. This will ensure the continued success of strong relational skills and maintain a very high level of learning in each classroom.

During Term 2, the Wellbeing program through our House Meetings and class groups will focus on serving our community. This includes identifying talent for our Term 3 Investigator’s Got Talent Event and selecting students who would like to represent our College in the IPSHA Junior Orator Competition in Term 3.

Some highlights:

  1. Key point one, which runs over several lines and is a good example of a bullet list for template purposes
  2. Key point two


House Service Opportunity

We are thrilled to offer a House Service Opportunity where students will meet together during House Meetings in Term 2 to identify opportunities to serve our community. This is the first time we have undertaken a Junior School project like this in our House Groups, and we are both excited and nervous.

» If you have any thoughts or ideas on how you might be able to support this opportunity, please contact either myself at mtenny@investigator.sa.edu.au or your child’s teacher.


Investigator’s Got Talent

Our Junior School will be holding a Talent Show midway through Term 3, showcasing our most talented students in a morning where you will be invited to attend. All Junior School classes will be holding auditions throughout Term 2, and Junior School teachers will be communicating with you about when auditions will be happening in each year level. Towards the end of Term 2, each year level will have a mini-final, and each year level winner or winners will go on to represent their year level at the Term 3 finale to see who is Investigator’s Got Talent champion. We will confirm the date and communicate with you about when this will be in Term 3.


IPSHA Junior Orator Competition

Our Junior School will be holding a Talent Show midway through Term 3, showcasing our most talented students in a morning where you will be invited to attend. All Junior School classes will be holding auditions throughout Term 2, and Junior School teachers will be communicating with you about when auditions will be happening in each year level. Towards the end of Term 2, each year level will have a mini-final, and each year level winner or winners will go on to represent their year level at the Term 3 finale to see who is Investigator’s Got Talent champion. We will confirm the date and communicate with you about when this will be in Term 3.

Selecting Students

Our Junior School is looking to select Years 5 and 6 students with excellent oral language skills to represent our College at the Independent Primary Schools Heads Association on the evening of 15 August. We are also asking for nominations from all Junior School year levels of students who would like to begin the process to audition for our Junior School Oral Language Competition, which will be held at the end of Term 2 or early Term 3.

» If you would like to confirm a place in our College’s Junior Orator Competitions, please email Mark Tenny, mtenny@investigator.sa.edu.au. This is an excellent opportunity for your child to grow in basic life skills and confidence.

We look forward to serving you further throughout Term 2.


Mark Tenny
Junior School Wellbeing Coordinator

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