Junior School News

Leading the Way

Wednesday, 14 February 2024
For schools – as for many households - the start of the year has been a very busy one. In the Junior School all classes are well and truly ‘into the swing of things’ with class routines and teacher expectations well established.
Grant Bock

Grant Bock

Head of Junior School

Great Weather for Camp

While the school year is still in its early stages, the Year 6 classes have hit the ground running having already enjoyed a day of varied leadership activities as well as a three-day camp.  By virtue of their age, the Year 6 students take on a leadership role among the Junior School students. Even at the ripe old age of 11, they have been attending school longer than the children in the year levels below them and are therefore looked up to as being both wiser and older.

Our Year 6 teachers, Mr Lane, Mr Taylor and Miss Coppock, have put together a camp program at Wirraway Campsite that involved a variety of activities. Archery, Bouldering Wall, Bridge Building, a Challenge Course and Horse Riding are among the activities that kept the students entertained and active. Having the camp at the start of the year is ideal as it helps the students and staff to develop relationships that will support them to make the most of being the oldest students in the junior section of our school.

Junior School Student Leaders

Our Junior School Leaders were presented to the rest of the school at the recent Commencement Service, and we look forward to their ongoing contribution.

Congratulations to the following Year 6 students:

  • Tate Jackson and Adelaide Noble (Junior School Leaders)
  • Harriet Wilson and Ivory Lenk (Sustainability Leaders)
  • Audrey Hall and Ada Neeft (Wellbeing Leaders)
  • Oliver Morris and Sophia Conway-Jones (Blue Gum House Captains)
  • Harlen Murphy and Charlotte Maclay-Ross (Wattle House Captains)
  • Audrey Owen and William Bowyer (Banksia House Captains)
  • Frankie Desfontaines and Franklin Hough (Waratah House Captains)

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday marks the day before Lent – a 40-day period on the Christian calendar which leads up to Easter. During Lent, many Christian people elect to abstain, or forego, something in recognition and reflection of the forthcoming sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Because it precedes a period of ‘going without’, the day before Lent is seen as a day of merriment and excess, which has come to be celebrated with feasts of delicious pancakes! Our students fully embraced this tradition, enjoying some syrupy goodness during our morning lessons, and sharing some hot pancakes proudly served up by our student leaders.


Grant Bock
Head of Junior School

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