We offer before school care running from 6:45am – 8:45am and after school care from 3:30pm – 6:30pm. We are also open during the school holidays from 6:45am – 6:30pm.
Below is our philosophy that we follow:
At Investigator OSHC we are committed to providing a service that is safe, welcoming, and fun. We have a focus on play-based learning and encourage physical activity in the environment around us. We are conscious that we are situated in a coastal town, so we ensure to be mindful and care for the environment, as well as encouraging sustainability. Linking to the school community, we encourage children to be their best self and be happy, confident leaders; meaning they have agency and we encourage children’s voice throughout our programming and service. We strive to be inclusive and accepting of all children and their abilities, fostering a strong sense of belonging at our site.
For any information and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Jade on 0499 723 639 or at investigator.oshc@ymcasa.org.au