The 2024 Sports Day lived up to everyone’s expectations with children from Early Learning to Year 6 competing in a friendly competition. Earlier in the week we had all Junior School students from Year 3 – Year 6 try their hand at shot put, discus, long jump and high jump in a tabloid format – and points accrued contributed to the overall House scores.
On Sports Day itself, the first event was a challenge race where the fastest boy and girl from each House in each year level competed in a relay that was quite spectacular to watch. It was also a great example of the House spirit that became evident throughout the day. Stars of the future were on display when the ELC children came out for a flat race and to soak up the atmosphere.
The weather was quite warm and we were very appreciative of the members of our Parents and Friends Association who catered for the many family members who came along to encourage the students. There was a real sense of community which added to the enjoyment for everyone present.
The overall results at the end of the day saw Waratah finish in first place, Blue Gum second, Banksia third and Wattle in fourth place.
Franklin and Frankie as the captains of Waratah made an entertaining speech, possibly inspired by Winston Churchill – as they accepted the shield on behalf of their teammates. An excerpt of which I found particularly enjoyable:
“As we bask in the glory of this victory, let’s remember that it’s not just about the win, but about the friendships forged, and the memories made. So here’s to sportsmanship, teamwork and the thrill of the game. Thank you all for making Sports Day and unforgettable experience. Cheers to us and let’s keep the spirit of Sports Day alive!”
Frankie and Franklin
Student Leadership Conference
I recently had the pleasure of accompanying our Junior School leaders to a conference at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. This was an opportunity for our appointed leaders to mingle with those from other schools, both rural and metropolitan. The day had a lot of different components and was focused on helping student leaders develop their leadership skills. I asked the students to reflect on the day and some of their responses are below.
What was the biggest highlight about GRIP leadership day?
- The biggest highlight for me was being able to meet new people and learn lots about them and their schools, as well as learning new skills and being able to take them on and be able to share them with the school.
- I really enjoyed the day. I especially liked the ‘loud noise contests’. Everyone seemed to enjoy them and I thought they were fun.
- My highlight of the day was having the chance to be on stage and playing the multiple-choice game.
How do you think it will help you with your leadership role for the year ahead?
- I think I will be able to take on the information we got given and use them around the school yard and try to be the best role model I can to the other children at our school. I would teach the other kids at school on how to be a good role model and make the school a better place and environment for the other kids.
- It made me think about the sacrifices that I need to make if I want to be a good leader. I will try harder to ‘Step up’ and use my talents to help me be a better leader.
- It’s given me confidence for public speaking, giving instructions, and working as a team.
Would you recommend the day to next year’s leaders and why / why not?
- Of course I would! This will inform us on how to be a good leader and to take on new skills in being confident and happy to take the responsibility of the role of a leader. This would be an awesome opportunity for all leaders to learn and be the best role model or leader they can be.
- I would 100% recommend it. It was fun and interesting.
- It was a great experience to collaborate with students from other schools and spend time with leaders from Investigator!
Adelaide Noble, Tate Jackson and Frankie Desfontaines
As well as doing well at the SAPSASA meet, Audrey Hall (Yr 6/ Blue Gum) has proven to be an outstanding athlete in the pool. Following her success in various swim meets, she has been offered a place with the National Swimming Program Junior Excellence level of Gold! Just reward for many hours of dedicated training in the pool.