Middle School News

Middle Years Transition: Exciting Changes

Sunday, 4 February 2024
Welcome back to all Middle Years students and families. It was lovely to see all the students alighting the buses last Tuesday morning, keen to see their friends and excited to start a new year.
Tom Hancock

Tom Hancock

Head of Middle Years

2024 sees the Middle Years in a slightly different format. Year 7 and 8 students will now spend more time with their Home Group Teacher than previously in the Middle School. Research has shown that the transition between Junior School, where students spend almost all their time with one teacher, and senior years when they have different teachers for every subject, can be very daunting. Our new system is a hybrid of the two, which allows students to settle gently into the change that is to come.

Our dedicated Middle Years teachers are all experienced with the trials and triumphs of transitioning students and are primed to support your child on their journey towards the Senior School.

The Middle Years staff below, are your first point of contact if you have any questions relating to the wellbeing of your child. Feel free to contact them; via email through Schoolbox Community Portal is probably the easiest way to do this.

Miss Raji Kaur – 7.1, Room 11 History, English, HG, Year 7 and 8 Coordinator.

Ms Amanda Bolt – 7.2, Room 7, English, History, HG and Head of HASS

Mr Andrew Ayliffe – 7.3, Room 16, Maths, Science, Digital Technologies, HG

Mr David Marks – 8.1, Room 4, Japanese, HPE, HG

Mrs Martine Lacomme, 8.2, Room 5, History, Civics, Drama, Media Arts, Visual Arts, HG

Mr Danny Robinson, 8.3, Room 6, History, Civics, HPE, HG

For the first time we are combining the Junior School, Middle Years and Senior School start of year gatherings into the Investigator Welcome Evening Picnic. This will take place on Wednesday, 7 February from 5:00 to 7:30pm. The evening will start in the Quad and you will have the opportunity to speak to the teachers of your children and visit their rooms.

Middle Years rooms will be open from 6:15pm to 6:40pm. Outside of these times, all the Middle Years teachers will be available on the Quad. Come and meet them all in a relaxed and informal setting. Some drinks and food will be available during this time.

I hope to see you at the Welcome Evening and hope that we can help your children have a happy and educationally beneficial year.

Tom Hancock
Head of Middle Years

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