Our students and staff focus on character strengths, resilience, gratitude and growth mindsets to ensure that both student and staff wellbeing is at the forefront, enabling optimum academic outcomes. Excellent manners and pro-social skills are hallmarks of an Investigator student with a strong emphasis on respect: of ourselves, of others, the environment and of animals. Everything we do is at Investigator is an investment in community, wellbeing and the future.
You might have seen this statement of purpose on numerous documents over the past couple of years but today I will break it down to help you truly understand the Investigator difference.
Your Best Self
This isn’t just a gimmicky phrase. As staff we focus on being good citizens ourselves and helping our students to be the same. Whilst we encourage each other to shine academically, as well as in the sporting arena, on the stage, in the surf and sailboats, through leadership programs and in intercollege events, we know that being our best self is much more than this. Being our best self involves serving others through our strong service learning programs, exhibiting kindness, lovely manners and a genuine ethic of care for others.
We are committed to Positive Education and it not only permeates the very fabric of our College, it is a consideration in all decision-making. Students and staff are all aware of their character strengths and can draw upon these when times get tough. We can also identify them in each other and work more effectively in teams and relationships. We all understand that our efforts can make not only our work, but the world, a better place and we have great hope for the future.
Excellent Manners and Pro-social Skills
Let’s face it – people enjoy being around others who are kind, mannerly, respectful, reliable, honest and loyal. These people take turns, are pleased to see others succeed, are helpful, are often funny without putting others down, they listen and are interested in others.
Respect is a term used too loosely in some schools but at Investigator there is a difference. We break it down: respect for ourselves, of others, the environment and of animals. I have been saddened on occasions to see ‘No dogs allowed’ signs at schools that clearly do not value nor understand the importance of animals in authentic wellbeing. At Investigator students have a relationship with everything from chickens to fish, from orphaned lambs to calves, from ponies in our Equestrian team to well-behaved dogs. Coupled with our nation-leading programs both through our exceptional waterfront Eco-Centre to facilities and programs at all year levels at our Victor Harbor site, our students and staff are better citizens as a result of their affinity with nature and others with whom we share the planet.
Investment in Community, Wellbeing and the Future
We love our connections with community and how good did it feel to reconnect at Open Day! Watch this space as there is plenty more to come, including our 21st birthday celebrations later in the year. This belief in community precipitated our appointment of Liam Hensel as our inaugural Director of Marketing and Community Engagement late in 2022. Community wellbeing is important too and many report feeling immense positivity this year. While respecting the past, we always keep a watchful eye on best practice and future trends. This year we have really embraced this with robotics, 3D printing, entrepreneurship and global perspectives reaching new heights in our modernised curriculum. I just took a phone call from our appointed architects, Walter Brooke, and am feeling very exciting about our new Masterplan building projects, with facilities and spaces that allow genuine innovation to underpin much of our practice. This is an exciting time to be at Investigator. Please hop on board and enjoy the ride as we move from strength to strength.