A Fundraiser That Exceeded All Expectations

Wednesday, 25 October 2023
On Friday 20 October, our Year 9 students ran a whole College relay event to raise money for the Cancer Council.

Nicole Ranson

Year 9/10 Coordinator

All students from ELC to Year 12 worked together to keep the four house batons travelling around the oval all day.

It was a fantastic day filled with house spirit and wonderful community vibes as we all worked together to raise a whopping $5023 for the Cancer Council and the incredible work they do.

A special mention to Elise Scott who ran 15km’s on her own and personally raised $230.

And a big thankyou to Rotary for running the BBQ.

Well done everyone and thank you for turning up and helping to make the day the success it was!

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Nicole Ranson
Year 9/10 Coordinator

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