Add Your Voice To Our New Strategic Plan

Thursday, 10 August 2023
Investigator College is currently inviting parents, students (Year 5 to Year 12) and staff to participate in a Stakeholder Engagement Survey, which will inform key elements of a new strategic plan.
Investigator College

Investigator College

Communications Team

In preparation for the development of a new College-wide Strategic Plan, our Principal, Mr. John Robinson, along with the members of our Senior Leadership Team are inviting parents/caregivers, students and staff members to share their thoughts and experiences via an online Stakeholder Engagement Survey.

The survey – which takes less than 10 minutes – represents an opportunity for our community to provide feedback on their experience at Investigator College, and to inform planning for the short, medium and long-term future of the College.

Data collected will be used as part of a formal planning process, the outcome of which will be a comprehensive strategic plan for Investigator College, to be implemented over the next 3-5 years. All responses remain anonymous, and we encourage all parents, students (from Year 5 to Year 12) and staff members to complete the survey, and add their opinions, thoughts and feedback to our strategic planning process.

The survey will be open from Thursday 8 August – Friday 18 August, 2023.

To participate in the Stakeholder Engagement Survey, please click here or visit:

Investigator College
Communications Team

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