Read, Grow, Inspire – Investigator College Celebrates Book Week 2023

Thursday, 31 August 2023
Fantastic fictional figures and sensational storybook scenes leapt from the pages of beloved books, as the students and staff of Investigator College celebrated Book Week 2023.
Investigator College

Investigator College

Communications Team

Investigator College temporarily became a world of fantastic fiction and creative costumes as students (and staff) took part in our annual Book Week Parade on Tuesday 22 August.

Held annually, and promoted by the the Children’s Book Council of Australia, Book Week is a celebration of all things literary, with books and libraries becoming the focus of activities that champion engagement in reading. This year’s theme, ‘Read, Grow, Inspire‘, placed an emphasis on the power of imagination in bringing the words and infinite worlds contained within books to life.

From sensational Smurfs to wand-wielding wizards, beloved characters from fairytales, fables and fantasy were well-represented as more than 200 students took the opportunity to represent their favourite fictional characters in the classroom – dressing up for the day and engaging in a range of reading and story-themed activities to celebrate the wonderful worlds contained within the pages of some truly brilliant books.

An entire class of students from Hogwarts (presumbly on a Dumbledore-approved excursion) joined this year’s parade, alongside several students looking superbly Suess-ical, and a number of representatives from the Hundred-Acre Wood, Wonderland and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Marvellous superheroes were in abundance, while Wally proved much easier to find than usual, as a number of stripy outfits stood out amongst a full complement of pirates, princesses, jedi knights, astronauts and amazing animals – including some bright and beautiful butterflies that looked remarkably similar to members of our staff.

Complementing the mid-week parade, many Junior School classes spent additional time in the Hub over the course of the week, taking time to engage with stories read by parents and guests, borrow additional books, and immerse themselves in the wonderful world of reading – highlighting Book Week’s true value: inspiring and encouraging imagination among the next generation of learners and leaders.

Well done to all students taking part in this year’s Book Week Parade, and a big thank you to all our amazing staff, parents and families for their contributions (costume and otherwise) to Book Week 2023!

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