Budding Artists

Thursday, 2 November 2023
Last term, our Year 4 students embarked on an exciting journey through the world of art as part of their Visual Arts curriculum.

Julia Bartram

Year 4 Teacher

Each student selected a renowned artist to study. They delved deep into the artist’s unique techniques, methods, and life background, gaining invaluable insights into the art world.
Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, our young artists channeled their creativity into producing their own magnificent artworks, reflecting the styles and spirit of their chosen artists.
Last week, the Year 4s hosted a spectacular exhibition where their finished masterpieces were proudly displayed for all to see. The turnout exceeded the students expectations, and they are overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to share their learning experiences with such a diverse and appreciative audience.

Image Gallery

Julia Bartram
Year 4 Teacher

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