Junior School News

Student Successes and Community Connections

Friday, 31 May 2024
Term 2 is always a busy term. The ELC and Junior School have both been a hive of activity!
Grant Bock

Grant Bock

Head of Junior School

Giving Back to the Environment

Recently, the Year 4 classes participated in a tree planting session with volunteers from the Friends of Inman River group. The aim of the excursion was for Investigator College students to make connections with the local community group and for students to have the opportunity to ‘take action’. This was a great opportunity for students to continue their learning from Year 3 and the Currency Creek Custodian Program.

Students enjoyed the walk along the Inman River Trail to the planting site and then spent an hour planting seedlings propagated by the Friends Group. The volunteers were very impressed with our students, their knowledge, work ethic, and ability to plant. We planted 150 seedlings, which was an amazing effort.

It was a wonderful morning.

District Athletics Day

As a follow-on from our own sports day, a representative team of 28 athletes from Years 4 to 6 competed recently against other schools in the Southern Districts Athletics Carnival at Victor Harbor Primary School. This day also serves to select a team that will represent our SAPSASA District at the state championships later in the year. There were 9 schools competing.

Port Elliot 110 points Investigator 109 points. We were second overall and won the Handicap Shield.

28 Investigator Year 4 to 6 students very successfully represented our college today in the Southern Districts Athletics Carnival at Victor Harbor Primary School.

9 schools represented the district with Investigator finishing 2nd overall to Port Elliot by 1 point, 110 to 109. Investigator also won the Handicap Shield. A fantastic result for the college.

The day began with 8 out of our 11 100-metre athletes making the 100-metre finals. Of these 8 athletes, we had one 1st place, being April Bailey, and four 2nd places, two 3rds, and a 4th. A terrific start.

Stella Carmichael broke a 10-year-old High Jump record with a jump of 1 metre 41 cm to smash the previous record by 15 cm. An elite athlete already, Stella is. Stella also finished third in the 100 metres. April Bailey had four podium finishes with 1st for Shot Put and 100m and 2nd for High Jump and Discus. A spectacular result from April.

Our team was very successful. Of the 9 schools represented, Investigator finished 2nd overall to Port Elliot by a solitary point, 110 to 109. Investigator also won the Handicap Shield. A fantastic result for our college.

The day began with 8 out of our 11 100-metre athletes making the 100-metre finals. Of these 8 athletes, we had one 1st place, being April Bailey (Wattle), and four 2nd places, two 3rds, and a 4th. A terrific start.

Stella Carmichael (Waratah) broke a 10-year-old High Jump record with a jump of 1 metre 41 cm to smash the previous record by 15 cm. Stella is an elite athlete already! Stella also finished third in the 100 metres. April Bailey had four podium finishes with 1st for Shot Put and 100m and 2nd for High Jump and Discus. A spectacular result from April.

Elijah Waller (Wattle) had three podium finishes with a first in High Jump, 2nd in Discus, and 3rd in Long Jump. Zoe James (Banksia) also had three podium finishes with a 1st in Long Jump, and 2nds for the 100m and 200m.

April Bailey, Elijah Waller, Zoe James, Audrey Owen (Banksia), and Stella Carmichael have all been selected to represent the Southern District Team at SANTOS Stadium in September after winning their events. Bethany Daniels (Banksia), Hugh Owen (Banksia), Oliver Morris (Blue Gum), April, Audrey, Zoe, and Stella have also been selected in the 100m relay teams for this day. Eight Investigator students gained selection at the next level overall, which is a terrific result for 13 events.

Congratulations to all of our athletes. You have done our college proud once again.


1st Places
11 y.o. April Bailey – Shot Put and 100m
11 y.o. Elijah Waller – High Jump
11 y.o. Zoe James – Long Jump
12 y.o. Audrey Owen – High Jump
12 y.o. Stella Carmichael – High Jump

2nd Places
10 y.o. Bethany Daniels – 100m & 200m
10 y.o. Hugh Owen – High Jump & 100m
11 y.o. Zoe James – 100m & 200m
11 y.o. April Bailey – High Jump & Discus
11 y.o. Elijah Waller – Discus
11 y.o. Oliver Morris – 200m
12 y.o. Ivory Lenk (Waratah) – Discus
12 y.o. Audrey Owen – 100m
12 y.o. Tristan Larkin-Hall (Waratah) – Discus
12 y.o. Taj Palmer (Wattle) – Shot Put

3rd Places
10 y.o. Kayne Bartlett (Waratah) – Shot Put & Discus
10 y.o. Charli Littlefield (Blue Gum) – Discus
11 y.o. Sebastian Warhurst (Waratah) – Shot Put
11 y.o. Oliver Morris – 100m
11 y.o. Elijah Waller – Long Jump
12 y.o. Stella Carmichael – 100m

Loving Learning in our Early Learning Centre

Students in our Early Learning Centre recently participated in National Simultaneous Storytelling, an event which is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops, and many other places around the country. This event aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum.

The Pelican students have continued their emerging interest in space, which has developed through recent discussions and sharing about the recent Aurora Australis.

Fun at the FUSE Cup

A team of 8 students from Years 5/6 represented the College at the FUSE Cup Just Dance ESports competition conducted recently at Pulteney Grammar School.

Not only were they outstanding dancers, they also represented the College beautifully, gaining the praise of the other teachers and FUSE Cup representatives in attendance. They were praised for their ability to cheer on the other teams and celebrate the success of everyone who participated. They also made some new mates from other schools.

Our students made it all the way through to the Grand Final before narrowly being beaten by Scotch College.

Our very own Zaree Stafford (Wattle) stood out against every other student in attendance and took home the prestigious FUSE Cup MVP Award for the competition. Staff members from other schools put votes forward for her to win this based on how encouraging and inclusive she was and her positive attitude towards the whole day.

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday 11 June – Amanda Westley – Indigenous Artist will be visiting and painting with our ELC students.
  • Wednesday 12 June – Reception classes visiting Currency Creek
  • Tuesday 18 June – Our Intergenerational Playgroup. This will provide students with an opportunity to connect with our older generation through play.
  • Friday 21 June – Anglicare SA Fundraiser – Coin Chain – Don’t forget to bring your gold coins!
  • Thursday 27 June – ELC to Year 6 Pyjama Day
Grant Bock
Head of Junior School

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