Rising Stars of the Robotics Revolution

Tuesday, 26 September 2023
2023 has seen some exciting progress in the Middle School in the world of STEM!
Andrew Ayliffe

Andrew Ayliffe

Year 7 Teacher

Robotics has kicked off with a bang this semester, with students introduced to the VEX robotics basic bots. They have begun to learn about how they function and basics of building. In addition, we have secured two competition kits, enabling us to start competing at Championships.

The students in the Robotics Club have been working hard twice a week in their own breaktime to build, test, code and refine their robots. The teams had success at the Tonsley Vex Regional Championship with both teams placing competitively and gaining entries into the next round to be held at Pedare. It is an excellent effort, especially for a first-year team to get through to the next round of competition. That round will be held in Week 1 next term so make sure to give them your support!

If there are any other students interested in joining the Robotics team or coming along to have a look, get in touch with Mr Ayliffe or come along to one of our meet ups on Wednesdays & Fridays and lunch time.

3D Printing

The “Digital Tech” room has been lucky to welcome four new 3D printers into the classroom. This has been an excellent asset with lots of inspiration igniting within the students. They have been learning how to use the industry level design suite, Fusion 360, also known as AutoCad. The model is used for a variety of industry roles, enabling the students to have a grounding and understanding of complex 3D design before they hit senior school and beyond. The printers have seen lots of action with a range of objects being printed. Currently students in the Investig8 3D Printing and Design group are working towards building model gliders or flying objects.

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Andrew Ayliffe
Year 7 Teacher

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