Innovation Unleashed: Science Week 2023

Thursday, 31 August 2023
Science Week isn't just about textbooks and lessons - it is about igniting a spark of curiosity, nurturing the seeds of creativity, and encouraging a school-wide spirit of innovation.
Investigator College

Investigator College

Communications Team

Science Week 2023 has swept through our school!

This year’s theme of “Innovation” has taken learning to new heights, challenging students of all ages to explore the world of science in creative and exciting ways. From binary coding bracelets to capturing images of elusive fauna, the week has been a whirlwind of discovery and hands-on experimentation.

Lunchtimes throughout the week saw our Science Labs transformed into a hub of activity, offering students a chance to dive into the realm of coding, engineering, and robotics. Bracelets adorned with binary-coded patterns encouraged students to explore digital languages, while spaghetti and marshmallow towers reached for the sky – testing the limits of engineering imagination. Paper boomerangs brought an artistic side into explorations of forces and physics; the Van de Graaff generator sparked curiosity about electricity, while robotics and 3D printing encouraged a combination of coding and creativity to solve problems. Under some sensational direction and planning from Mrs Drew and Mr Ayliffe, each activity proved to be highly engaging, with our Junior, Middle and Senior Schools enjoying the variety of challenges and experiments on offer.

Thursday saw the Year 6 Eco Leaders venturing out to the Currency Creek EcoCentre, a perfect backdrop for exploring Citizen Science projects and embracing the power of technology in tracking nature’s wonders. Through the use of apps and smart devices, the students discovered innovative ways to monitor flora and fauna, and they delved into the magic of fauna cameras and endoscope cameras, capturing glimpses of wildlife like never before.

Meanwhile, Year 3 students embarked on a captivating journey into the world of biological sciences. As part of the Currency Creek Custodian program, they explored the classification of living things. Armed with microscopes and curiosity, they engaged in a meticulous macroinvertebrate identification session. These tiny creatures became giants under the lenses, revealing intricate details that left the young scientists in awe. Armed with iPads and micro lenses, they ventured even closer, capturing images that allowed them to create intricate diagrams. This was science education at its finest—hands-on, engaging, and full of wonder.

Friday saw the Year 6s sharing their passion for science with the younger students. In an innovative twist, the older students had been tasked with designing and presenting experiments suitable for their junior peers. Younger students watched colourful chemical reactions and simple physics unfold before their eyes.

Even our youngest learners at the Early Learning Centre (ELC) didn’t miss out on the science extravaganza. From Skittles swirling in milk to Mentos erupting in Coca Cola, the ELC students witnessed the magic of chemical reactions. A trip to Mr Detmar’s science lab introduced them to the world of scientific exploration. With milk, food colouring, and a dash of soap, they witnessed the effects of surface tension in action. Primary colours melded to form vibrant new hues, proving that science and art can indeed hold hands. Integrating literacy into their experiences, the students dove into books that perfectly complemented their scientific journey.

At Investigator College, Science Week is about igniting a spark of curiosity, nurturing the seeds of creativity, and encouraging a school-wide spirit of innovation – and in 2023, it is safe to say our staff and students truly embraced the occasion!

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