Our Year 4 students recently became teachers for a day, as they welcomed students from St. John’s Grammar School to Currency Creek for an immersive day of Environmental Science. Drawing on learning from the past term, our students led a number of sessions intended to share their knowledge about tadpoles, frogs and lifecycles with our guests, and guided the visiting students on their own ‘tour’ of the Currency Creek wetlands.
The latest in an ongoing series of ‘Cross-College’ excursions and incursions, the visit mirrored a recent excursion to Belair National Park where our students were hosted by St. John’s, and continued a shared learning journey that students from both schools have undertaken together throughout the 2023 school year.
Working hard in the lead-up to hosting visitors, our students were challenged to ensure their presentations were engaging, with a range of games and activities being prepared to ensure ‘hands-on’ learning was the focus of the day. From the identification of different species, to exploring threats and challenges for the survival of local frog populations (including the endangered Southern Bell Frog) our Year 4 classes impressed with their extensive knowledge and ability to answer questions at length.
Helped along by brilliant weather, students from both schools relished an opportunity to be outdoors, exploring the waterways that run through the Currency Creek site and putting their learning into practice – even managing to find a few elusive frogs to complete the day’s lessons.
The relationship and sharing between Investigator College and St. John’s is set to continue next year, with a schedule of excursions already planned as part of the 2024 Environmental Science curriculum, and both schools enjoying an exciting way to approach learning together. Brilliant work!